how does it feel to be a property investor?

  1. 177 Posts.
    How does it feel to be a residential property investorin Australia right now?

    How does it feel...

    To know that you are now holding the worst performing asset in the country?

    To see your paper-capital gains vanish before your eyes?

    To realise you were never smart and skillful, but only lucky?

    To figure out that rental increases will only ever cover a small fraction of the enormous interest on your loan and the capital you'll lose through falling house prices?

    To realise that negative gearing only works when house prices are rising?

    To realise that each and every year of negative cashflow must actually be cumulated, and then clawed back through an equivalent rise in house prices before you even break-even?

    To realise that you have been totally brain-washed by a cohesive and cunning industry which purposely operates to enrich their pockets, not yours?

    To realise that the magical path to wealth creation can never be achieved through buying and holding an asset that anyone and everyone can purchase for the same price?

    To pick up the latest copy of the BRW Rich-200 and realise that not one single individual amassed their fortune through buying rental houses? - Because they wouldn't know what they're doing, would they?

    To know that you're the laughing-stock of the financially literate people (who knew how to read an over-inflated market) who offloaded their real estate assets years ago?

    To know that at any time, the bank can margin call (top-up) your loan because your investment properties are now worth substantially less?

    To know that there is absolutely nothing you can do within your power, whatsoever, to escape from your current situation?

    How does it feel to be a property investor?
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