How good must I be ?, page-5

  1. 6,761 Posts.
    Best answered I believe by firstly understanding that heaven and hell do not exist as literal places. Let us not drag up Bronze Age concepts and imagine they are based in literal reality.

    So heaven and hell don't exist, they are states of being. They are devices to show a state of drawing near to G.d, heaven and distancing from G.d, hell. Even then, nobody will ever be in the presence of whatever G.d is.

    Everybody after death ends up in exactly the same place, the difference being the positive attributes, virtues, moral rectitude, education that one has infused into the self, compared to those who live only for themselves, just as in this life we all live together, some sleep in the streets and some live in mansions, some are rich, some are poor.

    We build heaven and hell into our own lives by our own hands, that is the only possible way justice and judgement can work. You reap what you sow. There are no, get out of jail cards handed out for being any particular religion or because of some false understanding of what faith is.
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