how have you invested your super?, page-2

  1. 1,503 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 10
    Good for you that you taking an interest now - it is simply too late to think about super when you are 50!

    As for the investment strategy - well that will depend entirely on your own (and other members in the fund) profile for risk verses return, age group etc - it will vary!

    All SMSF's will require an investment strategy and I'm not sure how ESuper or other on-line SMSF providers do theirs, but when we setup our SMSF in 2007, the accountant insisted that we create the investment strategy and provide to them before they went ahead with the setup of the SMSF.
    ie. Demonstrate you know what you are going to do or we don't want your business - This ensured that we wrote the strategy to suit our needs as opposed to just using someone else's template with our names and signatures.

    Our current strategy is based on "The return of your capital is more important than the return on your capital"
    We review our investment strategy yearly or sooner based on any significant economic changes.
    We hold between 4 & 6 minuted meetings each year - usually over nicely brewed coffee in the sun LOL.

    Good Luck, and stick by the ATO rules to ensure it remains complying fund.

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