LYC lynas rare earths limited

how high can this share price go?, page-36

  1. 22,593 Posts.
    "..However if we look at the types of short positions, there are basically only two. The short term trader who shorts, and must buy back the stock with the 5 days required to settle, and the 'big' guys who have to borrow the stock and pay interest..."

    Hi cafa, enjoying the discussion,

    Just something though, the above wording is a little astray, quite possibly correct in what you meant to say, but a ST trader for an unlimited amount of time, can short a stock and at the same time be receiving an overnight interest payment.

    The real issue imo, is that its not only the 'shorts' that cause downward price pressure but also the unknown holdings of the professional groups, which are at most times, not identifiable, which will always make a mockery of these so called 'short' lists, imo they're a waste of time to track.

    Has anyone ever come to a conclusion to the shareprice direction based off these lists, no, thats correct.

    Wishing everyone and their familes a safe and enjoyable Xmas


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