If politicians don't feel enormously self important already,...

  1. 4,271 Posts.
    If politicians don't feel enormously self important already, this flag raising bit of cr@p will blow their heads off sky high. It's Howard's way of making them feel important by throwing idiotic crumbs like that. "There you go boys. There's something you can do that nobody else can. Don't you feel important now?"
    Many of the backbenchers particularly -whom he hates because they speak their mind too much- will be thrilled by this "national pride" gift.
    It's what Howard does best. He keeps appearing in front and with soldiers as they're leaving or returning and so, these guys too (they can see their photo opportunities already in their local press) will get some of the publicity they feel they lack.

    Wooppy doo.

    How any moron can think that it is proper for a three-tear old baby to spend all of its life behind razor wire beats me. How the same moron feels that this baby is a threat to Australia also beats me. I must admit, she looks totally threatening, vicious, ugly and most likely to also grow up to be a cannibal!

    How any moron can think that it's proper for us to hold a man behind barbed wire for 7+years, really beats me. I must admit he looks totally threatening, vicious, ugly and most likely to also be a cannibal!

    The words "no official" status means simply that: there are no officials, no beaurocrats, no public servants, who can get their minds around the fact that they are dealing with a human being and not a chair or a block of wood. Give the poor bastard the cr@ppy bit of paper you value so much and let him/her out into the community. The moment s/he does anything wrong, put them behind bars. Use the law INSIDE the country to protect your citizens.

    These refugees escape the places which we bomb. Last night on the ABC I've heard some numbers of where these people come from. The majority are from Iraq, Iran and Afganistan. Places which we think are run by such hideous bastards that we saw it fit to go and bomb the cr@p out of them.

    Those places, as well as places like Rowanda and other African (Check out what the South Africans are doing here and how THEY got here) do not have the easy access to the so called papers you xenophobes are chasing. Do you think someone in Rowanda will find it easy to get a passport? Particularly since we don't even have any representation there? Do you think, Hussein's or Ayatollah's government would give passports to anyone who says, "sorry guys, I don't like the way you run things here, so I'll go to the country which send its army to fight you?"

    Or are we keeping them in there for some other shiTTy reason? Like, "see my muscles? No, not my d!ck but my muscles? See what a mighty man I am? I keep cannibals behind razor wire!"

    It's sickening, boys and girls! It's sickening, it shows a new unloveable, yak and wildthingy-like Australia and we had all better pull our collective finger out of our mouths and stop saying, "oh, gee, I didn't know about thaaaat!"
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