The further from Western values one of these 50 or so Muslim...

  1. 8,256 Posts.
    The further from Western values one of these 50 or so Muslim majority countries (or their multitude of aligned global Islamic representative organisations and those they represent), the more the UN/PC/apologist 'industry' will either turn a blind eye to their racist behaviours against others, or worse, the more they will embrace their actions further.

    Further, our 'apologist' fraternity/industry will go out of their way to alienate those who speak out against the perverse actions and beliefs of these countries and organisations or their declared enemies.

    In doing so, our 'apologists' are sponsoring and fostering global racism and hatred.

    The hypocrisy is the descendants of the 'apologists' will ultimately be chewed up and spat out by those their ancestors bent over backwards (and forwards) to support.
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