Yep your right Booz sometimes I read through some of the posts...

  1. 13,252 Posts.
    Yep your right Booz sometimes I read through some of the posts and can't believe the absolute hogwash that is written, stories about friends printed as gospel. A lot must think we are gullible, I see a lot you posters on share threads and there is know way you would print half truths and stories about a share, without any back up. Without an in my opinion or I think, yet here it's a free for all anything that is bearish on property must be fact. Kind of funny but I really think a lot are commenting on an economical situation either through ignorance or a complete void of any understanding in the Australian wide housing market. To often little snap shoots of say central wagga are portrayed as events unfolding nationally.
    Even Matts comments say leafy Melb suburbs are down 30%, when Melbourne median last figures rose around 2%. If those suburbs where down like that melba median price would not have risen. So who do believe in this mish mash of stories without links of antidotes passed off as fact. I real think a lot of bears have a very large credibility problem and at least could be called a little loose with facts.
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