How many flags should we have?

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    NSW ALP Leader -Luke Foley - wants the Australian and Aboriginal flags to fly over the Sydney Harbour Bridge on a permanent basis.

    Is this guy insane?

    or is it just me.

    "Radio broadcaster Alan Jones has accused NSW Labor leader Luke Foley of “the most divisive’’ act possible for pledging to fly the Aboriginal flag side-by side the Australian flag permanently on the Sydney Harbour Bridge.
    Jones condemned Mr Foley for the promise predicting the state Opposition leader had dug his political grave.
    “That is the most divisive thing I’ve heard from a political leader of any kind. I’m sorry, you’ve lost the electorate and you’ve lost me,’’ Jones told Mr Foley.
    State Labor today backed a campaign by Kamilaroi woman Cheree Toka to have the Aboriginal flag fly on top of the famous landmark 365 days a year rather than the current 15 days. Ms Toka, 27, who has spent the past year campaigning, has amassed almost 75,000 signatures via the online platform,
    Mr Foley promised if he won the next election, the indigenous flag would be raised everyday from the Bridge. “We should all be proud of 60,000 years of indigenous history here,” he said in a statement. “Flying the Aboriginal flag on the great arch that defines Sydney around the world is an appropriate expression of that pride.”
    Talking to Jones on his 2GB radio program this morning, Mr Foley said the move was an act of unity much like Cathy Freeman at the 2000 Sydney Olympics where she celebrated her 400m win draped in both the Aboriginal and Australian flags.
    Jones condemned the decision: “We have an alternative premier of this state who has uttered the most divisive comment that would be possible’’.
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