CVI 0.00% 0.3¢ cvi energy corporation limited

how much do you want for the gourd...

  1. 15,276 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 45
    Have our markets simply gone nuts?

    Either the biggest bargain show ever to have been offered on the ASX...or there is stuff going on we are yet to discover.

    Just about every sock I look at is being sold down way below tangible values...CVI is no different.

    Forget all else, the copper alone is worth more than current prices...much more.

    We get all else thrown in for fact less than nothing.


    The following is the closet comparitive analysis I can fod to current trading activity in CVI...

    FALSE PROPHET: ...And, a nine-bladed sword, which he shall strike...

    BLOOD & THUNDER PROPHET: ...Time when we all come together, and go...

    PROPHET IN WHITE: ...And holes for the...

    PROPHET IN BLACK: ...Jumbo jets...

    PROPHET IN WHITE: ...every bitch how you got germs from...

    PROPHET IN BLACK: up near the...

    BRIAN: Don't you, eh, pass judgment on other people, or you might get judged yourself.

    COLIN: What?

    BRIAN: I said, 'Don't pass judgment on other people, or else you might get judged, too.'

    COLIN: Who, me?

    BRIAN: Yes.

    COLIN: Oh. Ooh. Thank you very much.

    BRIAN: Well, not just you. All of you.

    DENNIS: That's a nice gourd.

    BRIAN: What?

    DENNIS: How much do you want for the gourd?

    BRIAN: I don't. You can have it.

    DENNIS: Have it?

    BRIAN: Yes. Consider the lilies...

    DENNIS: Eh, d-- d-- don't you want to haggle?

    BRIAN: No. the field.

    DENNIS: What's wrong with it, then?

    BRIAN: Nothing. Take it.

    ELSIE: Consider the lilies?

    BRIAN: Uh, well, the birds, then.

    EDDIE: What birds?

    BRIAN: Any birds.

    EDDIE: Why?

    BRIAN: Well, have they got jobs?

    ARTHUR: Who?

    BRIAN: The birds.

    EDDIE: Have the birds got jobs?!

    FRANK: What's the matter with him?

    ARTHUR: He says the birds are scrounging.

    BRIAN: Oh, uhh, no, the point is the birds. They do all right. Don't they?

    FRANK: Well, good luck to 'em.

    EDDIE: Yeah. They're very pretty.

    BRIAN: Okay, and you're much more important than they are, right? So, what are you worrying about? There you are. See?

    EDDIE: I'm worrying about what you have got against birds.

    BRIAN: I haven't got anything against the birds. Consider the lilies.

    ARTHUR: He's having a go at the flowers now.

    EDDIE: Oh, give the flowers a chance.

    DENNIS: I'll give you one for it.

    BRIAN: It's yours.

    DENNIS: Two, then.

    BRIAN: Ohh. Look. There was this man, and he had two servants.

    ARTHUR: What were they called?

    BRIAN: What?

    ARTHUR: What were their names?

    BRIAN: I don't know. And he gave them some talents.

    EDDIE: You don't know?!

    BRIAN: Well, it doesn't matter!

    ARTHUR: He doesn't know what they were called!

    BRIAN: Oh, they were called 'Simon' and 'Adrian'. Now--

    ARTHUR: Oh! You said you didn't know!

    BRIAN: It really doesn't matter. The point is there were these two servants--

    ARTHUR: He's making it up as he goes along.

    BRIAN: No, I'm not! ...And he gave them some ta-- Wait a minute. Were there three?

    ARTHUR: Ohh.

    EDDIE: Oh, he's terrible!

    ARTHUR: He's terrible.

    BRIAN: There were three.

    ARTHUR: Thpppt!

    BRIAN: They were-- they were st-- stewards, really.

    ELSIE: Aww, get off!

    BRIAN: Ooh! Eh, uh, b-- b-- now-- now hear this! Blessed are they...

    DENNIS: Three.

    BRIAN: ...who convert their neighbour's ox, for they shall inhibit their girth,...

    MAN: Rubbish!

    BRIAN: ...and to them only shall be given-- to them only... shall... be... given...

    ELSIE: What?

    BRIAN: Hmm?

    ELSIE: Shall be given what?

    BRIAN: Oh, nothing.

    ELSIE: Hey! What were you going to say?

    BRIAN: Nothing.

    ARTHUR and FRANK: Yes, you were.

    ELSIE: Yes. You were going to say something.

    BRIAN: No, I wasn't. I'd finished.

    ELSIE: Oh, no you weren't.

    ARTHUR: Oh, come on. Tell us before you go.

    BRIAN: I wasn't going to say anything. I'd finished.

    ELSIE: No, you hadn't.

    BLIND MAN: What won't he tell?

    EDDIE: He won't say.

    BLIND MAN: Is it a secret?

    BRIAN: No.

    BLIND MAN: Is it?

    EDDIE: Must be. Otherwise, he'd tell us.

    ARTHUR: Oh, tell us the secret.

    BRIAN: Leave me alone.

    YOUTH: What is this secret?

    GIRL: Is it the secret of eternal life?

    EDDIE: He won't say!

    ARTHUR: Well, of course not. If I knew the secret of eternal life, I wouldn't say.

    YOUTH: No.

    BRIAN: Leave me alone.

    GIRL: Just tell me, please.

    ARTHUR: No. Tell us, Master. We were here first.

    DENNIS: Five.

    BRIAN: Ah!

    GIRL: Just tell--

    BRIAN: Go away!

    GIRL: Tell us, Master.


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