Well I was not suggesting buying the stock currently only that...

  1. 5,426 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2
    Well I was not suggesting buying the stock currently only that further research was required.
    A 70% profit margin on each wind generator sounds very high if ? that was the case funding further projects you would have thought would be easy.

    Some of the announcements appear to conflict with comments made here.


    HOMEX - Melbourne

    Leading renewable energy company Pacific Hydro Ltd (ASX: PHY) today
    announced the completion of contracts for construction of the 52.5MW
    Challicum Hills Wind Farm at Buangor, near Ararat in western

    The Company also announced the completion of a long term power
    purchase agreement for the 30MW Yambuk wind farm, which is part of
    the Portland Wind Energy Project in south west Victoria. Both wind
    farms are expected to be operational by mid 2003.

    Pacific Hydro expects the wind farms will produce approximately
    225,000 megawatt hours of renewable energy per year. This would be
    enough pollution-free electricity to supply the needs of more than
    42,000 average Victorian homes.

    The wind farms will abate over 290,000 tonnes of greenhouse gas
    emissions each year, which is equivalent to eliminating the annual
    emissions from over 65,000 cars.

    Leading energy retailer Origin Energy has signed long term power
    purchase agreements to buy the energy and renewable energy
    certificates generated by the wind farms, providing a stable revenue
    stream for both projects. Origin Energy has also secured an option of
    taking a future equity stake of 50% in the Challicum Hills project.

    The Challicum Hills wind farm will consist of 35 wind energy
    generators which will be the first supplied under the 600MW agreement
    secured by Pacific Hydro with leading Danish wind generator
    manufacturer NEG Micon. The role of turnkey contractor for the
    development will also be completed by NEG Micon.

    The Yambuk wind farm consists of 20 wind energy generators and will
    also be part of the frame agreement. The development of this project
    is conditional upon the Portland Wind Energy Project gaining Federal
    Government environmental approval.

    "This is the first step in a process that will ultimately see a
    vibrant local wind energy manufacturing industry established in
    regional Victoria," said Jeff Harding, Pacific Hydro Managing

    "These projects continue Pacific Hydro's track record of successful
    project development and demonstrate that our business models and
    development processes are sound."

    "We are delighted to continue our relationship with Origin Energy and
    are encouraged by their commitment to and confidence in Pacific Hydro
    and the renewable energy sector."

    "The critical mass provided by the Portland Wind Energy Project and
    Challicum Hills Wind Farm will underpin the NEG Micon manufacturing

    "The Challicum Hills development will provide a significant boost to
    the local economy from construction through to operations,
    maintenance and local tourism. Already one regionally based business,
    Portland engineering company Keppel Prince, is expanding its tower
    fabrication facilities as a result of this project," said Mr Harding.

    "These power purchase agreements continues the excellent working
    relationship between Origin Energy and Pacific Hydro that began with
    the Codrington wind farm," said Peter Vines, Origin Energy Executive
    General Manager Retail.

    "These contracts clearly demonstrate our commitment to growing
    Australia's renewable energy sector. The 100 per cent clean energy
    from the wind farms will supply our growing Green Earth customer
    demand for clean electricity. Any energy generated surplus to our
    Green Earth demand will assist in meeting our Mandatory Renewable
    Energy Target obligations," said Mr Vines.

    Both wind farms will be connected to the national energy market via
    the local distribution network owned and operated by Powercor

    For further information, please contact,

    Andrew Richards, MARKETING MANAGER
    Telephone: (03) 9620 4400
    Facsimile: (03) 9620 4433



    Since listing on the Australian stock exchange in 1993, Pacific Hydro
    has grown to become Australia's leading renewable energy company.
    Investor interest in renewable energy has helped drive the company
    share price and market capitalisation of just $5 million in 1995 to a
    point where Pacific Hydro is now an ASX 200 company.


    This year the Company announced its seventh successive year of profit
    growth with an after tax profit of $31.9 million, a 19% increase over
    the $26.9 million recorded last year.


    * Total operating revenue for continuing activities amounted to $63.5
    million, an increase of 24% on the $51.3 million recorded last year
    (consolidated for 50% of the Philippine associate).

    * Basic earnings per share increased by 15% over the previous year to
    24.9 cents.

    * Net assets increased from $152 million to $181 million.

    * Cash and undrawn facilities amount to $57 million.

    Pacific Hydro secures long term power sales contracts with
    financially sound companies on all projects developed by the Company,
    ensuring continued financial stability.


    Pacific Hydro continues to build on its strong track record of
    successful project development. Key achievements include:

    * Developing the 30MW Ord River hydro, which is the largest renewable
    energy project developed in Australia for over 20 years.
    * Developing the 70MW Bakun Hydro Power Plant which is the largest
    international energy project ever developed by an Australian company.
    Development of Australia's first non government wind farm at
    Codrington in south west Victoria.


    The Company continues to maintain a balance between development
    projects in Australia and overseas.

    Australian projects on-track to commence construction shortly

    * The first stage of the 180MW Portland Wind Energy Project,
    approved by the Victorian State Government on 15 August 2002.

    * The 52.5MW stage one of the recently approved 75MW Challicum Hills
    Wind Farm near Ararat in Victoria.

    In addition to this the Company is currently pursuing over 2,000MW
    of new wind development opportunities throughout Australia.

    Overseas projects under development include:

    * Bakun Supplemental Water Project, involving the diversion of
    additional water through the existing Bakun Scheme in the
    Philippines. This is scheduled for completion in 2004 and will add
    110GWh to current generation annually.

    * La Higuera, Chile, a 240MW run-of-the-river hydro development
    planned to commence construction in 2003.


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