now you're putting as whole different dimension into the frame....

  1. 46,384 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 642
    now you're putting as whole different dimension into the frame.

    I'm not even certain of my own consciousness except for my awareness of the brain doing a hellova lot of stuff that I don't really agree with.

    patterns of consciousness are recognisable in the meaning. and everyone has their own meaning.

    now politicians consciousness should be superior and definitive, guiding by high principles, areté if you will. shouldn't we expect our politicians to be better than the simple people like us? we expect deep knowledge and skills of other professionals, why not political people who are in charge of the nation?

    inversion principle applies in many contexts in different ways. can you provide an example?

    EN you've triggered an exploration here my friend. have I been incorrect?
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