how stupid can denial get?, page-35

  1. 83,277 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75

    whether it's stupid or not -- the 'other side' clearly is rife with stupidity


    Lets assume that climate change 'is' caused in great part by human actions.

    Right -- so, we are told that we are past the point of no return - that it's happening (human induced change) - that it's going to be massive etc. etc.

    Fine --- lets accept that for sake of argument.

    We are also told over the years what we are to expect -- now, first we were told to expect droughts - no more rain, no more snow etc. etc. --

    which, after it did rain - morphed into - oh, it's going to be more extreme - more droughts, more floods, more fires

    we were also told that we would get more hurricanes and cyclones too -- until they went quiet - then, we were told that we should expect less hurricanes and cyclones - but, the ones we get would be more violent.

    What can we take from those changes to 'predictions'?

    Well, any sane person using logic - who accepts that we are having major man induced climate change - would reason that - we don't really know yet what to expect - but, just expect large changes in climate.

    Fair enough so far.

    So - what, pray tell do our 'climate change believers' tell us to do about all of this?

    Well - they say that we should ditch carbon based power

    ok, roger that -- fair enough --

    even though we are supposedly past the tipping point - point is taken - ditch the coal/oil business.

    But, - we need electricity - so, what do they suggest we replace the coal generation with?

    Renewable of course ------------- right.

    However -- here's the problem --

    'all' of the renewables have a terminal problem --

    and, that is

    they are all 'weather dependent'

    So, in an era where we know we will get massive climate change - we intend to put in place weather dependent renewable power supplies - making ourselves completely dependent on it.

    Now to me -

    that's a certain kind of stupid ----------- it's an inevitable kind of stupid - it's a foreseeable kind of stupid - it's a very expensive kind of stupid - indeed, it's completely idiotic really.

    I would never argue that it's not a very good idea to have renewables for power generation -- that gets top marks -

    but, it just has to be non weather dependent - because one thing that we are crystal clear on in science is that in times of major climate change (ref. any history or prehistory on climate) -

    that in times of major climate change - basically no weather dependent power source will cut the mustard - none of them.

    to ride forward strongly into weather dependent power generation is basically the height of stupidity.

    Find another way.
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