How the Coalition manages the economy, page-18

  1. 47,490 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2
    @pintohoo, to be fair, Australians are being DROWNED in Morrison-friendly political advertising featuring misinformation and lies from Murdoch Mouthpieces, taxpayer-funded government friendly advertising, Palmer's $70Million bizarre fact-free ads, the smear and slurs spread by the Liberal Party's dirt unit and a very badly emasculated ABC.

    The people of the ACT, the Northern Territory, West Australia and Victoria have repeatedly seen clear through that ocean of misinformation and bare-faced lies and at the recent South Australian Election the people of SA also sent Morrison an emphatic message.

    But Australia's coal hole states of NSW and Qld are a different matter and of course the major beneficiaries of the Coalition's $Countless $Billions in rorts and subsidies to the fossil fuel sector.

    Only time will reveal whether or not Australians vote to hold the Coalition accountable for the terrible damage it's done to Australia.
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