how to avoid breath-analyser tests, page-49

  1. 3,274 Posts.
    Knew a bloke from Chile. He said that the coppers over there can't be bothered to take anyone they pick up for drunk driving down to the station to book them. Just too much paperwork, but they can't let them go as they get in trouble when the drunks have car accidents. So what they do is they make them run! Apparently its a very common sight to be driving past midnight in Chile and see groups of p isshead drivers running with the cop car behind them! Apparently they make them run for 5 or 6 k's, just to sober them up, so they can then let them go.

    Frankly, I'd prefer to go down to the station - running 6 ks on a gutful of pi ss is not my idea of a fun night out!
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