I just had what I thought might be a brilliant idea....if you...

  1. 17,117 Posts.

    I just had what I thought might be a brilliant idea....
    if you are near retirement, and age pension age....
    and have in excess of the assets test, money in cash, or assets...currently 273,000 for a couple or 192500 for singles....before the pension reduces

    then I would consider upgrading your house with the extra cash..

    ***your home is an exempt asset..under the pensions test...

    so instead of downgrading, as most do to access the equity, and fund their retirement...there are other solutions..you really should consider.

    cash in your super, before the mongrels get it...
    and before the superfunds keep putting it into the stockmarket...only to see the value keep dropping

    pensions for couples are 1073 pf...= 27,898 per annum
    you would need at least 500,000 in cash earning 6% to get a similar income... and not qualify for the pension
    but interest rates are gowing lower...and I believe they will continue low for another 3-5 years

    so if you have faith in the housing market, and are concerned about the govnut taxing, or taking your super...
    you put the extra cash into upgrading to a bigger house...

    then you collect a combined $28,000 pension as income
    if you need extra funds at any time, you take out a low interest loan, with your house as security...

    another idea, is to buy the larger more expensive home....
    and take out a loan against it, with an offset account...
    the offset account does not pay interest, so the deeming rules should not apply...
    but you get 100% offset against the interest on the home loan...so if home loan rates are 6% and deposit reates are 5%, you are effectively earning 6% on your deposit.

    I am only saying this now....as I am a self funded retiree... and not eligible for the pension, due to my assets and income...
    but this govnut is ripping off all aussies, incl;uding pensioners, and those holding super...
    I tried to save the govnut money, by self funding my retirement...
    but they are allowing in thousands of illegal immigrants...who are really economic immigrants, and giving them massive pensions and payments, and perks...that we aussies cannot access...
    I only thought about this idea this evening...
    but I will do my homework...and see what a difference it will make...if I were to cash in my assets, and put it into my new bigger house, and then get the pension...
    You may think I am very angry with the labor govnut...
    I am..extremely angry...

    but I also have faith in housing, that it will stay stable in the future...plus I think there are some great bargains out there at the moment
    in select areas, and the luxury house market is down...
    what do you think....
    I think it is a brilliant idea....
    and later with a conservative govnut...you could have faith to downgrade, take your cash and run with it...

    the other clue that I like, is that cash loses its value, from inflation, but housing keeps pace with inflation...
    in the meantime, you get a pension, that keeps increasing with the cpi each quarter....a low fabricated CPI but you do the sums...

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