re: how to call up the whole ahaaaa...

  1. Yak
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    re: how to call up the whole ahaaaa

    I changed the ****.asp


    original was:

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    Subject chronology of rocket attacks
    Posted 04/08/06 18:35
    Posted by Yak
    Post #284704 - 51 reads
    Start of thread

    Chronology of Rocket Attacks
    10:45 Aug 04, '06 / 10 Av 5766

    ( Following is a chronology of rocket attacks during the past weeks.

    July 12, 2006 – Six rockets were fired – 1 person injured seriously, 2 moderate and 1 light.

    July 13th – 133 rockets: 2 dead, 2 serious, 5 moderate, 112 light
    July 14th – 108 rockets: 2 dead, 1 serious, 3 moderate, 50 light
    July 15th – 126 rockets: 3 moderate, 13 light
    July 16th – 36 rockets: 8 dead, 3 serious, 5 moderate, 54 light
    July 17th – 95 rockets: 1 serious, 2 moderate, 18 light
    July 18th – 127 rockets: 1 dead, 1 serious, 9 light
    July 19th – 107 rockets: 2 dead, 1 moderate, 25 light
    July 20th – 33 rockets: no injuries
    July 21st – 92 rockets: 4 moderate, 18 light
    July 22nd – 122 rockets: 2 serious, 2 moderate, 22 light
    July 23rd - 88 rockets: 2 dead, 2 serious, 1 moderate, 44 moderate
    July 24th – 103 rockets: 2 serious, 12 light
    July 25th – 118 rockets: 2 dead, 7 moderate, 37 light
    July 26th – 125 rockets: 1 serious
    July 27th – 106 rockets: 26 light
    July 28th – 107 rockets: 1 moderate, 19 light
    July 29th – 93 rockets: 5 light
    July 30th – 148 rockets: 2 moderate, 8 light
    July 31st – 5 mortar shells: no injuries
    August 1st – 12 mortars, 7 rockets: no injuries
    August 2nd – 225 rockets: 1 dead, 1 moderate, 14 light
    August 3rd – 163 rockets: 8 dead, 12 serious, 88 light

    Voluntary Disclosure: Position Sentiment: Buy TOU violation

    Subject re: chronology of rocket attacks
    Posted 04/08/06 18:53
    Posted by groundzero
    Post #284709 - 29 reads
    In Reply to msg #284704

    Oversized firecrackers is all, Yak. Used to be more injuries on Guy Fawke's Night till they banned it and
    More oomph in one dropped bomb than all of them put together...........


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    Subject re: chronology of rocket attacks
    Posted 04/08/06 19:06
    Posted by Yak
    Post #284716 - 33 reads
    In Reply to msg #284709

    GZ...100kg is a bit of firecracker

    All part of the psychological warfare being perpertrated by those who seek to demonise Israel

    As if the prospect of 100 kg of TNT landing on near you wouldnt absolutely put the wind up you.

    Disproportionate Reporting, Selective Outrage
    by Jack Engelhard
    Aug 04, '06 / 10 Av 5766

    You'd hardly know that all of Israel is under siege and that entire cities like Haifa are near desolate. The networks would rather you stay tuned to their pictures from Lebanon. According to ABC TV, CNN and other "Friends of Hizbullah", never mind who started this, and forget the million and a half Israelis who've been made homeless.

    As usual, NPR Radio is serving as propaganda minister for terror and, also as usual, Israel is at war with the press.

    Or rather, the press is at war with Israel.

    Any mention of the 150 bombs that were falling on Israel from day to night? Hardly. What about the thousands of Israelis wounded in flesh and in spirit - meaning shell-shocked today and perhaps for the rest of their lives? No, there's no time for this. Forget Haifa's Rambam Hospital, where beds are filled to overflowing with wounded Israelis.

    CNN would also like the world to forget the Arab bombs that fell on Nahariya Hospital and wiped out the entire ophthalmology ward. No footage here, either, except for Israeli journalist David Bedein crying out for some proportionate coverage. The pictures from Lebanon are better, much better than pictures from Meron, Israel, where seven-year-old Omer Pesachov was murdered along with his grandmother as the result of Hizbullah missiles.

    Is Qana another hoax and blood libel, as were the Mohammad Al-Dura caper and the "massacre" in Jenin? We have reason to be suspicious. Perhaps we have been manipulated once again (and once too often) by a news media that uses crooked words and false pictures to further bloody the Jewish State.

    But leave it to the New York Times to cynically portray itself as dispassionate and neutral. On July 27, it ran a story - "Tide of Arab Opinion Turns to Support for Hizbullah" - that subtly, as subtle as a snake, makes the argument that Israel is at fault for failing to make friends and influence people.

    We are asked to believe that because of the IDF's "disproportionate response", Israel's terrific friends in Saudi Arabia and Egypt -- well, they are friends no more. Yes, that's the gist of this piece - that at the outset, Israel had the Arab world on its side, but then those Jews did something bad. They got serious about defending themselves.

    Therefore, if only those Israelis would quit fighting back, think of all the friends they would have. Even Mel Gibson might come around.

    Memo to the New York Times: Saudi Arabia was never a friend of Israel and neither was Egypt. Please, not all of us are so stupid.

    Quick question to all those reporting from over there: How do you know those casualties in Lebanon are "civilian?" Has this been verified by your fact-checkers, or are you simply buying Hizbullah as a reliable source? Another memo: Your reporters keep saying that Hizbullah may be bad news, but they do provide social and humanitarian services to the Lebanese.


    Have you seen these schools and hospitals you say Hizbullah builds and maintains? Are these facts, or do these scoops arrive at your desk from the Hizbullah ministry of information? NBC's emotional Richard Engel, for example, who praises Hizbullah for its (alleged) humanitarian deeds, makes no pretense of being impartial. He has plainly (or so it surely seems) thrown himself in with Hizbullah.

    Engel is not the only hot-head who romances terror at Israel's expense. He belongs to a tradition that goes back to CBS's Bob Simon, to name but one among hundreds, actually thousands, in print and broadcasting who may one day have to answer to the Big Editor up in the sky. Yes, HaShem will sort this out.

    Thank you CNN, NBC, the BBC and all other Hizbullah-Hamas cheerleaders for letting us know that Ehud Olmert has apologized for Qana. But you may have noted that Hizbullah, which started all this along with Hamas, routinely positions itself right there in the middle of the population. Even the UN's Jan Egeland has called them cowards for hiding among women and children.

    But obviously, Islamic terrorists never have to say they're sorry.

    Someone, somewhere, did (reluctantly) concede that Hamas and Hizbullah do their dirty work behind human shields. Such as the news media, perhaps?

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    Subject re: chronology of rocket attacks
    Posted 04/08/06 19:21
    Posted by jaw
    Post #284719 - 35 reads
    In Reply to msg #284716

    well yak, you'd have to bordering on an absolute twit to think that Israel is targeting civilians, as I said earlier today (in a thread that vaporised), with Israel's firepower, they could near on level Lebanon- I don't know why I keep hearing the 'targeting civilians' spiel from seemingly literate people.

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    Subject re: chronology of rocket attacks
    Posted 04/08/06 19:27
    Posted by Yak
    Post #284722 - 43 reads
    In Reply to msg #284719

    I've been making that point here on H/C since the outset....

    and I have reminded the rationale in our midst...
    ...the rockets are specifically and intentionally aimed at civilians

    No if or buts about it!!

    The IAF and IDF are of course hitting areas and of course the casualties are going to occur

    But they warn them of the strikes they give some leeway to escape and they do do what they can to ensure the target is legitamate

    Yet the Hez do nothing of the sort

    Yet the Israelis are the really bad guys

    I posed the question that none of the irrational in our midst the Hez better because the use such bad munitions and hence cause a lower death rate

    The rationale offered at tiems is becasue they have access to only such weapons therefore...their civilian targetting is somehow pseudo-legitimate
    Are tey not murderous by intention and hence guoty in entirety

    Anyway..gotta go get psised!



    Pissed! (had a couple already....)

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    Subject re: chronology of rocket attacks
    Posted 04/08/06 19:30
    Posted by milesg
    Post #284723 - 43 reads
    In Reply to msg #284719


    the previous thread you made the comment may have disappeared

    but it is still a pathetic arguement

    Just because Israel have only killed several hundred people even though they are capable of killing a lot more if they wanted to

    it does not mean the several hundred that have been killed were not targeted

    Success is a result of planning
    not hoping

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    Subject re: chronology of rocket attacks
    Posted 04/08/06 20:49
    Posted by jaw
    Post #284749 - 34 reads
    In Reply to msg #284723

    I have no Jewish ancestry, I have no U.S. ancestry but still don't think that, if the people you want to have the ascendant position in world affairs, that the world would be a better place.

    Voluntary Disclosure: No Position Sentiment: Buy TOU violation

    Subject re: chronology of rocket attacks
    Posted 04/08/06 23:39
    Posted by milesg
    Post #284777 - 26 reads
    In Reply to msg #284749


    Care to explain what your last post has to do with anything

    and who are these people you have got into your mind from who knows where that I am supposed to support

    I unlike some here do not support murderous hate filled thugs regardless of the religion they may happen to follow
    Success is a result of planning
    not hoping

    Voluntary Disclosure: No Position Sentiment: Buy TOU violation

    Subject re: chronology of rocket attacks
    Posted 05/08/06 04:51
    Posted by jaw
    Post #284790 - 15 reads
    In Reply to msg #284777

    but miles, you excused away even the Beslan slaughter, which was just children being shot in the back, that's why we seem to think you have some ties to this sect.

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