Caleb Bond February 15, 2017 11:00pm The jig is up, Waleed Aly....

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    Caleb Bond
    February 15, 2017 11:00pm

    The jig is up, Waleed Aly. You’ve shown your true colours

    Waleed Aly — that darling of the Left — has become seen as infallible. He is ordained with a gold Logie. Every time he opens his mouth, online news sites rush to report on what he says. His word has become gospel and people apparently want it on tap.

    According to the headlines attached to these articles, Waleed most often “nails it”. But he didn’t nail it this week.

    His snobbery was in full view on Monday night when he and fellow panellists on The Project joked about a job advertisement from a Perth business specifying no “bogans” or “rough people” should apply.

    “The other thing,” Aly piped up, ready to deliver another pearl of wisdom that would land him on the Daily Mail site.
    “If you are not taking bogans, where will you get good admin people?”

    Haha. Boom Tish. Admin workers are uneducated and wear ugg boots and drive Commodores. Geddit?
    Uh-oh. You’ve put your foot in it now, Waleed. (Pic: Channel 10/The Project)

    People are growing tired of all manner of occurrences being blamed for the rise of Donald Trump and his contemporaries, but this is a good example. It’s elitism — pure and simple. Just as Hillary Clinton claimed “half of Trump supporters” were “deplorable”, Aly has maligned unskilled workers as bogans.
    Your ruse is up, Mr Aly. We know who you really are now.

    He’s usually the bleeding heart type. He loves to bleat about the poor refugees and how we’ve locked them. He cries that they just want a better life.
    But to hell with anyone working in an office so they can send their children to a private school.
    And there’s the rest of the grab bag. Aborigines, Muslims, women, etc.

    Aly tells us they’re all so hard done by. We ought to feel sorry for them. And he is more than happy to virtue signal, showing us just how compassionate and warm he is.

    But on Monday night, we had a little peek into his soul. His cold, elitist, snobbish soul.

    In all fairness, this is not unique to Aly. It is typical of the chardonnay socialist Left, who get about complaining about how awful the world is while driving to dinner parties in expensive European cars.

    They’ve turned left-wing politics into the domain of the wealthy, excluding and sneering at everyone below them. They infest the Greens and profess to love the downtrodden. Their hearts go out to the friendly neighbourhood Muslim refugee who faces epidemic levels of Islamophobia.
    But, of course, there is no friendly neighbourhood Muslim refugee within 10 postcodes of where they live. They’re living out with the bogan admin workers.
    “Look honey, isn’t that a deplorable there?” (Pic: AFP/Paul J. Richards)

    And they cry for the poor Aboriginal children trying to stay out of prison. When did they last speak to an Aboriginal kid? The closest most of them get is to peer at them out the window of their BMW as they pass them on the footpath.
    They don’t really care about the poor and downtrodden. It’s more about looking fashionable and trendy. It’s all just a performance to gain the admiration of their peers.

    Which is why they hate lower-socioeconomic people when they happen to be white. People don’t nod while swigging expensive chardonnay when you mention that.
    Instead, they’re bogans. White trash.

    We’re not talking about unemployed bums frittering away their dole money on booze and cigarettes. Aly specifically mentioned admin workers, who are earning their keep, supporting their families and trying to keep their heads above water.

    They have committed the crime of not being university educated and living in the inner city. To the great surprise of much of the inner city set, people actually live and thrive in the suburbs.

    So desperate is Aly to keep up appearances that he rents a home in Melbourne’s Richmond — because he can’t afford to buy.
    Oh, the struggle.

    I’m sure the bogans will sympathise
    Last edited by boatboy: 17/02/17
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