Blooreeler "What to do about crims with guns...simplePossess a...

  1. 576 Posts.
    Blooreeler "What to do about crims with guns...simple
    Possess a firearm with out a license 15 years parole
    Discharge a gun in crime
    LIFE parole.
    PS anything else is pussyfooting
    PPS ask the police who went to a funeral yesterday

    I concur a copper is dead those parasites will all be out of gaol in under 10 years about the time the dead coppers children hit puberty without a father what a joke.

    It is simple, meanwhile the rest of us law abiding citizens can continue to hold for legitimate purposes. crims who use guns manadtory 15 yrs,, yes yes now the bleeding hearts state but they were effected by drugs etc etc, well 15 years in gaol should cure them of all their addictions to become rehabilitated

    Niloony you are a loon you want to legalise Ecstasy, marijuana, which are linked to mental disease where do you stop legal heroin & ice??? however here is the funny part

    niloony "I do support gun control as it stops nutters/depressed etc from getting hold of a gun when they are in a particularly bad mood. "

    AH you want drugs to be legalised/decriminalised & the rights of none drug users to be curtailed through more firearm control, funny

    Refer above stop trying to take the rights of law abiding citizens, non drug affected citizens away from them

    Niloony"Far more people top themselves with easier to come by and faster/painless methods (gun).

    You must be kidding where are your facts 3 people i knew committed suicide all drug related not gun related, one in front of a train from speed phychosis one on OD of panadol (lets ban it) one a hanging from marijuana psychosis .

    drugs good/ok guns bad

    Guns dont kill, criminals & drug addicts do, my rights should not be affected by either
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