Hi ronsterm you are deluded if you think its about hydroponic...

  1. 576 Posts.
    Hi ronsterm you are deluded if you think its about hydroponic marijauna, it means jack, good soil producers the same result

    Ronsterm"I would suggest that the whole "drug problem"(however you define it) is caused by the criminalisation of drugs"

    Dude i know people who have used marijana for 30 years, no problem i also know plenty of people who have lost the plot because of it, what should we do create a local untaxed market, i'm happy to grow hectares for you will only further my gaol of retiring early, you can be my supplier & deal with the consequences you sow.

    ronsterm"We never had a drug problem before we had a "war on drugs". There was never a drug "problem" in modern terms when coca cola had cocaine in it,"

    you are kidding whats your solution free drugs for all your historical comments were funny. war on drugs its australia you watch to much usa TV

    personally i do not give a flying fut at a rolling doughnut people can do what they want, when peoples existence impinge on others & at the expense of myself & others, you better hope the law gets you first

    And i will state it again drugs & crims have nothing to do with gun ownership, druggies & crimianls should never infringe upon law abiding citizens & their rights

    but to bring it back the thread
    "how to get rid of drug related violent crime"

    Your legalise strategy will never work, do you think the tax payer should fund it & its resulting problems
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