Well you are going back on ignore for lying and being a troll. I...

  1. 24,731 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 37
    Well you are going back on ignore for lying and being a troll. I gave you a chance but you just can;t help yourself I guess. I have never 'changed my story' except when you selectively pick quotes, I have NOT YET seen a confirmed case of a covid death, the sick and vulnerable should be protected as when people get to that stage then any little microbe can finish them off. Your so-called 'extra deaths' are simply more unproven figures or could simply be all of the people who are dying not because of the covid but because of the governments response to basically shutting down the health care system causing a LOT of extra deaths of people who cannot get the health care they require. And then be declared as a 'covid' death. So at this point I'm sticking with the doctors and scientists and other HC workers who are speaking out. You stick with your government and media propaganda. All of your histrionics merely go to prove that you too do not know anyone who has been effected by the virus, otherwise I'm sure you have said so by now.

    So anyway, back on ignore you go. All the best now.
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