how to peel boiled eggs and garlic.., page-7

  1. 29,611 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 4
    there have been previous threads about how to cook eggs - anyway watso cooks a dozen eggs at a time - and uses the induction cooker . depending on what cooker watso uses, he uses the 500w or 600w setting.

    one dozen eggs in about 1 litre of water

    after about 15 minutes, watso monitors the temperature of the outside of the eggs - when the shell is 80C - then the eggs can be ready - with soft yolks and semi hard whites.. when about 85C - probably perfect eggs..

    then put in fridge and use as required .

    mmm had some water out in the sun the other day - and measured the water temperature at 85C - so might try to do some boiled eggs in the sun - for a bit of fun.

    watso used a rice cooker insert - with glass lid - and placed inside an old tyre - and a glass cover over that -
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