WORD Gum,PLEAS just put aside ALL the goings on, me being harsh...

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    WORD Gum,

    PLEAS just put aside ALL the goings on, me being harsh at times etc.

    I am just one little Word, part of THE BIG STORY IN THE BIGGEST BOOK that you could have dreamed of.-> let this mind be in YOU, THAT was in Jesus and then he washed their feet.

    Mate, I have just come OUT of this hard battle for others, BECAUSE Word Mate, you all belong to God, and WE are going to fight like crazy for everyone of God's cherished words.

    No untruths are in the BOOK/HOUSE -> Spirit ->WORD -> DOOR -> HOUSE - HEAD.
    You are WORD, Word of God, His seed, as His word is seed.
    Lets us make man in our image = WORD, WORDS.
    Now man has become ONE of us............you know who that one is = enmity between the 2 seeds, God and the other Word/Seed.
    We or most, are yet to be born.

    You are Word -> Door -> House -> Head = YOURS.
    Your looking at the spirit of me, right now and your mind is assigning words to your thoughts, as you are reading this.
    Your will possibly come back with you spirit, which I can test, in seconds.

    What? know ye not that your body (HOUSE) is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?
    For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify (with yourself = Word express yourself -> to words) God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's.

    (You are 2, Soul & Spirit and your word IS the spirit of you)

    WORD Yahweh comes in ways you have probably never heard of, or dreamt possible.

    If it's their will, you are about to see a story that you could only have dreamed of, a BIG, BIG one.

    In Beginning was WORD and WORD was with the GOD and GOD was WORD -> DOOR -> HOUSE - HEAD.
    Spirit HOLY -> WORD ->LIGHT ->LOVE.

    Pop over to WORD Brother John 17 and let the story begin, adventure. smile.png

    Let their will be done!

    Sheanandoah -> RIVER of LIFE into the play ground -> let this mind be in you which was in Word Brother Jesus, become like little children, as WE 3 have a story to tell.

    Temples/Houses always go down first, hence this widdle word Shenandoah cries, OH DADDY, Please save them as this is painful.

    What if, this Shenadoah guy your Wording to, is not crazy?
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