How to Remove evil spirits /demons from body.. powerful reading, page-35

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    i used to pray to amun ra in sun rise and sun set. and asked basst and isis for protection.
    None of the gods of Egypt were able to protect anyone. By each of the plagues the demon gods of Egypt were put to humiliation and disgrace before Jehovah.
    First, their river god the Nile, by the turning of it and all waters in Egypt into blood; then the frog-goddess Heqt; then Watchit the god of the ichneumon fly; then by the deadly pest upon Egypt’s livestock the cow-goddess Hathor and her corresponding divinity Apis the bull; then by the plague of boils and blisters Imhotep the god of medicine; next by the plague of hail Reshpu and Qetesh the gods of storm and of battle; next by the plague of locusts the deities of providence responsible for Egypt’s fertility and harvests; next by the three-day plague of darkness Thoth the counselor of Osiris and god of the moon as well as systematizer of sun, moon and stars; also Amon-Ra the god of the sun; and by the tenth and last plague the god Ra, who occasionally appeared as a male sheep and to whom all the firstborn were sacred, being dedicated to him from birth.

    (Exodus 12:12) For I will pass through the land of Egypt on this night and strike every firstborn in the land of Egypt, from man to beast; and I will execute judgment on all the gods of Egypt. I am Jehovah.
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