how to see things correctly, page-3

  1. 7,404 Posts.
    hi director12,

    no need to try and complicate this
    'it' is very simple
    noting that one need not concern themselves about running until they have learned to walk

    i can remember a talk by eckhart tolle, where he said something like, that he would rather not be at a discotec, but if he was chained up there and had no way of escaping, then he would have no option but to accept the situation - without creating problems out of it.

    it's about how we learn for the better

    "By three methods we may learn wisdom: First, by reflection, which is noblest; Second, by imitation, which is easiest; and third by experience, which is the bitterest."

    discernment, or discrimination, is not a completely free gift.
    it is, too often, unrealized potential, it's not just going to jump into your lap, or ram itself down your throat,
    but if you find yourself in a hell, a drop of it will be worth more than all the gold on the planet.
    these are qualities that are to be cultivated and developed

    here is a good start: (another from K'ung Ch'iu)
    "The superior man [or entity] thinks always of virtue; the common man thinks of comfort."

    that's not to say that there isn't a comfort that arises out of virtue.

    what do you mean when you say, "..., usually when we aren't interfering"?
    some use this as an excuse not to help any other being, or even themselves

    there is interfering, and there is interfering.
    this is when discernment, or insight, comes in handy

    i think a lot of the time we know, all too well, when we are being lazy.
    then is a good time to interfere.


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