how to stop gambling on penny stocks, page-11

  1. 1,073 Posts.
    Thanks for the productive post sacd. I said i started with penny's how is that attributed to having no experience?

    If every Tom average could trade blue chips why dont they? Who wouldnt want a very consistent few % a month? Your implying thats to easy and ppl want more of a challenge? rofl!!!

    I just relayed my experience with no condensation whats so ever, wasnt even directed at you. Take it or leave doesnt faze me. But going by your logic Your not a league playing Chinese Christian Jew what gives you the right to post on those topics?

    Congrates your seemingly successful at penny's, wouldnt you say your in the minority here? Despite yrs and yrs have passed and theres the same posters still talking about how much underwater they are.

    I guess we cant forget the starter of the tread was asking how to stop trading penny's. Which my answer was move as far away from them as possible and trade the blue chips.

    Have a good w/e




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