how to stop smoking, page-15

  1. 6,764 Posts.
    Hi gse
    I know where your at. been there bought the t shirt. I gave up the first time for over two years then thought a little cigar wouldn't hurt, before i knew what i was doing i was inhaling the bloody thing

    I started at 13 and by the time I was 50 I was smoking 50 a day, 70 and more when having beers.

    After many more attempts this was my successful solution

    First of all you have to decide why you want to give up, in my case I just wanted to watch my kids grow up

    Secondly and most importantly, you then have to really 'want' to give them up, no bs, no half hearted spur of the moment whims, but a real desire to do so. That's why so many fail, they wake up one day and make the ludicrous decision that they can kick an addiction in a day, that just doesn't happen, your body wont allow it and you need to realise that

    Next plan a date at least two months ahead, for example todays the 23rd March so I would look at May the 31st as the last day I will ever smoke again

    From today until then treat each cigarette as your last and think about May 31st as the day your going on a big holiday or a big event and constantly look forward to it, as its gets closer you can almost taste it and it builds up. what your doing is training the mind

    Before then, think of every man and woman you know who have successfully given up, write a list and tag it to your fridge/computer/dashboard/shed wherever you would normally smoke

    I used patches, I found they helped but that's up to you

    On the night of the 31st smoke your last and destroy any that's left. empty all ash trays, I threw mine in the bin along with the destroyed last smokes,it was a gesture inviting a new world after 37 years of addiction

    Strangely the first week is the easiest, just avoid groups, parties etc where you expect to find smokers. Drink lots of water when you feel the urge and refer to the list of names of those who have beaten it telling yourself as you look at the list
    "if Bill/Mary could do it so can I they are no better than me'

    From 50 a day to zero and clean for 15 years. best of luck
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