how to stuff up the country by kevin rudd

  1. 3,698 Posts.
    actually it was written by in Ian Huntley .... hilarious

    Kevin Rudd's Selection: How to stuff the country

    Kevin Rudd's budget gave us a hint. His ideological whack into private health does not stack up. The slice into Woodside's LNG super profits was on the face of it arguable, but could it be a precursor to the current developing world push to tax anything that moves in the resource area. Are old Labor ghosts stirring?

    1 Break down the deregulation of the labour system, so vital in preventing a wages breakout. That provides the stepping stone to double-digit interest rates. Scream about inflation, thus lifting inflationary expectations, and stir the unions on the wages front.

    2 Demoralise Treasury and the RBA. Put your Treasury Secretary in charge of inquiries into everything that moves and so get his eye right off the ball, and onto your pitch. Confuse the RBA by stating you respect their independence, but carefully tweak it every possible way. Loudly declare your budget is anti-inflationary when it could be anything.

    3 Really give it to those resource companies, large and small, who are driving the nation's prosperity through massive investment. A nice first move is to grant current folk hero Andrew Forrest's game plan to piggyback off Rio and BHP's massive investments in their Pilbara railroads. Nice touch at first, newcomer gets break, in fact a Cloud Break. Really hits those nasty majors. Get Twiggy later.

    4 Bring out the big guns: super profits taxes on the resource majors! This way working families will never have to work! And nor will the resource majors ever invest in Australia again!

    5 Spike the opposition leader's drink (already done, just took a whiff) - not difficult. He's already nicknamed Brendan The Brief. Easily got him to promise cutting the price of petrol by 5c a litre, 'cos that makes him look stupid. We've already got an even better nickname for his successor in a sealed envelope: Malcolm The Mongrel is not even close...

    6 Not enough has been done to weaken the banks. Remember Westpac and ANZ at the end of the last Labor era? Our policy towards the St George's takeover for Westpac will be the first step. Project code name GeorgeWbya Bank = keeps our lefties really motivated!
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