Turnbull has created his own demise by taking the Liberal party...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 14
    Turnbull has created his own demise by taking the Liberal party way to the Left without any consultation or conscience in regards to this decision. He is weak on borders, already prepared to hand over our sovereign rights on this critical issue to the UN in the very near future. He has not one fiscal policy that will see our burgeoning debt reduced, he is committed to RE without any regard to the damage it will cause to industry, his love affair with the Muslims is obscene, while ignoring other minority but larger religious groups that do assimilate are beneficial worthwhile citizens void of the stigma of always being in your face.

    To save himself and not be remembered as quisling opportunist...………….HE MUST RESIGN AND ANNOINT SCOTT MORRISON AS PM.
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