How we Got the Bible - didn't Fall from he Sky, page-38

  1. 5,687 Posts.
    Wow, horror of horrors angus do you honestly think I’m that shallow, honestly

    Even worse do you honestly think that the CC is that shallow as well

    First like I told you I have no interest partaking in these childish tit for tat posting when you mature in faith and knowledge you will know exactly what I mean.

    Do you honestly think I don’t know the difference between bibles I have around 15 different versions and a number of commentaries, why do you think I said “basically”, as in the content, OT & NT, in addition, again don’t you think I know about different translations

    Oh I see I only get my history from CC, again this assumption clearly show’s your speculating as you want to score points, I wish you can see my library of books written by all the Tom Dick and Harry’s that I have and where I get my info from

    The big question is where do you get your history from, Jack Chicks bob Jones

    I told you before check your own history as much is nothing but anti-CC propaganda, for example,

    In 2011, a critical edition was published.the two Babylonian Although Hislop's work is extensively footnoted, some commentators (in particular Ralph Woodrow) have made the assertion that the document contains numerous misconceptions, fabrications, logical fallacies, unsubstantiated conspiracy theories, and grave factual errors.

    Some fundamentalist Protestants still regard Hislop's book as proof that the Roman Catholic Church is, in fact, the continuation of the ancient Babylonian religion.

    Do you honestly think Catholics don’t know about the OT and where it came from, and which verse Jesus quoted from, really and honestly

    Do you honestly believe the CC don’t know when and how the OT Canon came about and when it was closed, really honestly and that it needs you to tell it

    And honestly do you think the CC doesn't know how the NT came about, come on mate

    Are you telling us that there was ever a point in history where the Catholic Church completely abandoned its connection to the apostles and started anew, without any continuity or connection to the early Christian Church.

    In short, the answer is no, there was no such event in history where the Catholic Church completely dropped its connection to the apostles and started anew.

    The Catholic Church has always maintained it’s continuous and unbroken institution founded by Jesus Christ, with the apostles as its first leaders. This, known as the "apostolic succession." and the laying of hands as per the bible

    In case you didn’t know there were about 300-318 bishops at Nicaea (325 CE) before Constantine, now do tell where they came from, who ordained them if Constantine founded the CC, and do tell what happened to them after Constantine, did they just vanished and a new founder jumped up and founded the CC

    The early Christian Church continued to exist, but it underwent significant changes as it adapted to its new status as an officially recognized religion, from a prosecuted one to an excepted one

    For one to suggest that it changed teaching really doesn’t know history, as the first 300 years of prosecuting the martyrs who didn’t want to have a bar to do with paganism, matter of fact taunted pagan Rome during their martyrdom, there be no way know a change of hearth that they would except paganism during peace time

    The transition from the pre-Constantine Church to the Christian Church under Constantine and the subsequent Roman Empire was gradual and complex. The early Christian Church continued to exist, but it underwent significant changes as it adapted to its new status as an officially recognized religion. From previously a prosecuted church, this is where the wool is pulled over the eyes of who don't know history

    The theological landscape of Christianity began to shift as it became more integrated into Roman culture. The early Christian Church had emphasized the importance of biblical teachings, apostolic traditions, and sacraments. As Christianity became more mainstream, these emphases began to become formalized and uniform which later overcoming paganism or the worship of Roman gods

    Overall, early Christian Church had been characterized by diversity after Constantine it became more centralized

    There have been various schisms and splits within the Catholic Church throughout history, but none of these splits have resulted in a complete abandonment of the Church's connection to the apostles. Instead, each schism has been seen as a departure from the true teachings and traditions of the Church, rather than a new beginning.

    In Christianity, there are many churches and denominations that have been founded by individuals who claimed to have received a special revelation, guidance from God or better understanding of the bible. Some examples include:

    * Martin Luther (Lutheranism)
    * John Calvin (Calvinism)
    * John Wesley (Methodism)
    * Joseph Smith (Mormonism)
    * Charles Taze Russell (Jehovah's Witnesses)

    In each of these cases, the founder or leader of the new church or movement claimed to be reading the bible and believing that they are correcting the CC for perceived errors and establishing a new path for their followers. However, these movements have not been seen as part of the continuous tradition which has always maintained its connection to the apostles and its role as the universal Church.

    Protestant Reformation opened the door to a variety of Christian beliefs

    Now you hit the nail on the head, as I said above, you are among them so how can you justify your believe is the correct one, there are over 30000 and each will claim as you do, and will fight you as being the right one, not able to agree on scripture or even historical facts

    An please this is one off, I’m not going to go into tit for tat posting
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