Chuckie,I found the following statement of yours...

  1. 328 Posts.

    I found the following statement of yours interesting:
    "Because you are so bigoted and blinded by your desire to be "accepted"....that you want to be more Catholic than the pope"

    If that were true surely I would be supporting the majority line.


    You couldn't possibly be Jewish...You're far too foolish. And what has Howard got to do with the broader picture? You want to be accepted as an equal by throwing off your Jewish mantle and becoming a leftwing fairy?

    Forget about Howard and all the irrelevant crap......You have never posted anything positive about the fact you go out of your way to only focus on the negative. Your last post was the closest you ever got to saying anything nice about the Israelis.


    I would be a staunch Howard advocate and be applauded by all his supporters on HC.


    Oh, so you think that the way to win the popularity stakes here on HC is to mouth nice things about Howard? LOL LOL LOL


    I'm sure you'll accept that the contrary is the case and that I am, in fact, in a minority upon whose heads here at HC, abuse is often heaped!!


    Nothing wrong with being against Howard.....

    Trouble is your attitude to just about everything else ............and just about everything else that makes sense....

    You just happen to be a negative person....and to tell you the truth, even if you sang Howard praises all day'd still be taken for the nerd that you are....

    The sad part is that you have found an excuse.....

    And the sadder part is Benedict....that you are a Bendict.......

    So for the record........Is your mother Jewish.......and her mother? The Polish one?

    Straight English, Benedict....straight English.
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