are you too old or too scared to travel? your frustration and...

  1. 91,591 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75
    are you too old or too scared to travel?

    your frustration and lack of world experience - or even Australian experience is just killing you --------- and you take it out on us

    you've told us that you've been nowhere - even in your own country and you've told us basically that you've never had a passport -
    and you've told us that you live a beige beige beige life in a beige environment and had a beige work life

    AND - you hate it, you hated it all and you are green with envy of those who got out of the cage - because - you never had the guts or the know how to do it

    your beige life is winding down with a list of regrets of things not done - a mile long

    well - look really ------------ there is still some time. It's not scary when you're out there - it's for you -only scary when you are peering out of that beige cage, sitting on the beige chair in the beige room in the beige house living the beige life

    you could actually get out ------ I have to tell you something -

    the cage door has never been locked ------ the lock - is in your head
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