damn right raider, religion is a personal belief and should have...

  1. 49,103 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 652
    damn right raider, religion is a personal belief and should have no impact at all on govt decisions.

    having said that our most successful PM, Howard, relied heavily on the advices of religious people. I'll never forget the Major Brian Watters (retired) advising Howard to "Just Say No!" to drugs. that was an utterly absurd attitude, guided as it was by a leader in Drug rehab whose process was simply to replace the drug addiction with a religious addiction. I spent some time when studying at one of the facilities. I got a good look at how their system operates. but when I applied at the same place for a job some years later I didn't have a chance because I wouldn't adopt the religious approach. they didn't want a nurse with expertise in AOD detox and rehab, they wanted another religious to support their model.

    such inquiries are evidence based. religion rejects evidence as they function on blind faith. I would much sooner respect the findings of an inquiry than anything said without evidence.

    Ken Henry seemed to have a political bias, or at least there seemed to be a perception of bias. his recommendations were met with strong hesitancy/caution from Govt. I don't get why...... perhaps you could have a go at explaining the hesitancy?
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