howard and costello go to bat for david hicks, page-4

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    Federal Opposition Leader Kevin Rudd says he is not surprised the Prime Minister appears to be taking action on the case of Guantanamo Bay detainee David Hicks.

    Hicks has been held at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba for five years and is in the process of being charged with attempted murder and providing material support for terrorism.

    Prime Minister John Howard is reportedly working to bring Hicks home before the federal election.

    Mr Rudd says with the Hicks case turning sour for the Government, the Prime Minister is trying to play catch-up.

    "If six months before an election Mr Howard suddenly becomes more accommodating on the David Hicks affair, people will make up their own mind," he said.

    Mr Rudd says Mr Howard is responding to opinion polls.

    "For the last several years, Mr Hicks has been in the too-hard basket for the Howard Government," he said.

    "Now with a federal election six months [away] and this turning sour on Mr Howard in the opinion polls, suddenly Mr Howard is activity squared.

    "I'll let the Australian people make their judgement on this."

    Foreign Affairs Minister Alexander Downer says Hicks could be back in Australia before the end of the year if the military commission trial proceeds quickly.

    "Either to serve in a prison in Australia or of course just to be released, depending on the result of the trial," he said.

    Hicks's father Terry says suggestions that his son could be home before the end of the year show a Government in panic mode.

    He says he is sceptical about the time frame, but is pleased the Government is facing increasing public pressure over his son's case.

    "There are more people now saying they're not going to vote for the party because of David's issues, the way the Government has handled it," he said.

    "What's happened now is the Government's gone into panic mode."

    Dave R.
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