howard best pm since wwii - poll, page-32

  1. 5,428 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75
    Hi, I see another thread displaying wobbles from the bowling balls. It really is an interesting poll and worth an objective look.

    The two party preferred vote for the House of Reps. at the last election was ALP 53%, Coalition 47% (Aust. Parliamentary Library; 2SF) If we group the PMs by party and tote up the popularity points, Labor comes out in front with 55% to the Liberals 45%. It looks like a clear win for Labor but 6 of their points are WW2 vintage and some of them are probably votes for nostalgia rather than political parties. We only need to deduct a couple of these ancient points to reach equivalence with the last election result.

    Now to deal with the rush of blood to the heads of the Howard huggers. 28% for Howard and every one of them, a painted on, white picket fence Liberal voter. What else would we expect? Only 28%? Liberal loyalty can seem so fickle until we see that the truly authentic Liberals are all standing with the great founder of the faith, SIR Robert Menzies on 11%.

    The Liberal's lasts are three sparingly popular PMs with Holt, Gorton and McMahon each with one point. I have very little recollection of Holt but I did like McMahon. With those wonderful ears, even photos of him were caricatures. I really respected Gorton and not just for voting himself out of office. He was a fighter pilot during WW2 and I thought he was heroic. Some say he drank too much and I can identify with that too.

    My real concern in this poll is for Whitlam's 9%. All those people maintaining the rage for more than 30 years. I hope they take their antacid tablets!

    Hawkey was a maate and I expect his 12% still lift their schooners in his honour. With just 8%, not so many seem to be drinking to Keating but I respected his long term vision for Australia. Pity about his short term vision.

    Some of Rudd's 20% probably still have a few sherbets in the fridge from the Kev$k. He is still sitting the exam for PM as far as I'm concerned. I think I'll rate him after his apprenticeship is over.
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