howard congratulates mckew, page-43

  1. 1,752 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    Debono there is lot more diference than you realize.

    You could live in Burma or call it Maynmar if you like. There, if the peple elect a candidate the rulling junta does not like, the winning candidate instead of taking office is put under a house arrest and her supporters victimised. That is called military dictatorship.

    I used to live in an Eastern Block country, controled from Moscow. We had free elections Candidate A - Communist Party, Candidate B - Communist Party. You see when the Communist first got power they changed the constitution making any other party illegal. Took almost 50 years and colapse of communism in Soviet Union to get them out.
    That used to be called dictatorship of proletariat.

    You could live in Zimbabwe where if you are member of the opposition, you get beaten up, thrown in jail, oppositions supporters houses being buldozed.
    That I call the dictatorship of the gready.

    There are great differences how people are governed and I thank my lucky stars that I live in this lucky country. Where if the people decide that they had enough of the dictator, benevolent or not he just goes. I am not under any illusions that it will always be like this, but so far so good.


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