re:yidsrus - howard is a hero! -country supports h Good...

  1. 29,310 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 80
    re:yidsrus - howard is a hero! -country supports h Good afternoon yidsrus,

    if you are confused you are not alone; I and lots of others are also confused.
    But firstly, I watched 60 mins. last night and concede that you were right on the illegal smuggling aspect.

    " IT IS THAT VERY REASON and IT ALONE that there are even inspectors IN the country." I concede this to you also, and that there can now be no "backdown" now on Iraq because:
    1.Korea and others will just laugh at our alliance in any confrontation.
    2. Bush, Blair & Howard are dead politically if we back off.

    It is just a pity that we had to stick our nose in in the first place.
    For religious and ethnic reasons, there has NEVER been any connection between Al Qaeda and Iraq, despite that 80% of Yanks now fully believe saddam was directly resposible for Sept.11.
    Iraq was NOT responsible for the Bali bombing.

    Now last night it was mentioned that the real reason for disarming iraq was the security of Israel. This issue is generally tippy-toed around for fear of upsetting tender toes, but WE know it stands.
    Last week Sharon was quoted as saying that soon as the Iraq war is over, he wants the US to take out Iraq.
    Beauty! Now THAT would really open the "gates of Hell", and good old Australia would have to be in it, of course.
    Yidsrus, why do dogs lick their d*cks? answer: "because they can!"
    Why do countries threaten Iraq? Same answer.
    Iraq is not popular, and has no religious or historical ties with other Arab countries.
    Now if we tackle Iran, you will have every Muslim in the world against us.And Iran HAS backed terrorism, commited terrorism. There are those who believe that Iran was resposible for the Lockerbie bombing in retaliation for its airliner being shot down by the Yanks.
    I think it is plausible.Why isnt Iran the prime target?
    In my opinion Indonesia is a REAL threat to us.Do you still believe the Indo Military had no part in the Bali bombing?Why dont we take them out?
    What you say about terrorism in our back yard is valid -as of now.Iraq was never a threat to us as far as terrorism goes, but we are certainly attracting attention now: " Australia - the best friend the US has in the world". "Australia - Israel's best friend".
    The terrorist threat is growing, but when it happens, no one will reasonably be able to blame it on a lack of action by us - it will be BECAUSE of our actions and our stance.

    GZ (confused).
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