what a load of shitte... economic reform/social cohesion tell...

  1. 724 Posts.
    what a load of shitte... economic reform/social cohesion tell that to the workers who because of his 'reforms' will see real pay cuts - to lower to middle class kids who won't be able to afford to go to uni whilst the people with money can afford to go as government funded places decrease and uni's offer more direct entry places. where gov'n without any consultation with the people ally ourselves with the biggest bunch of murdering hypocrites and invade sovereign nations knowingly using false information to give credence - where even Paul Keating wouldn't have had the balls to give ministerial responsibility this wide a berth. the worse thing is there is no credible opposition to take this gov'n to account as they are probably worse especially now they have seen what the people will let them get away with...
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