howards first home scheme a dud

  1. 1,219 Posts.
    I feel a bit guilty about my first Canberra house
    that I had a builder erect on land leased to
    me for 99 years via a Commonwealth
    land auction restricted to first-time
    home buyers in 1974.

    The land cost me $4,500.
    The house cost $19,500.
    The total cost: $24,000.

    Establishing a garden in Canberra's
    rock-hard clay soils was not easy.
    But the results were worth it.

    Back in 1974, Canberra had land auctions
    restricted to first-time home buyers and
    unrestricted land auctions for cashed-up
    builders and second or third timers.

    Developers never got a look-in.

    All the subdivison, infrastructure and
    block production activity was
    done by contractors working
    for the Commonwealth.

    Wind the flim forward and all Howard's
    first home buyers scheme does is to
    increase the supply of cash chasing
    the same number of blocks.

    Result: House price inflation!

    Here's a picture of my first-ever Petunia
    growing in my first-ever house:


    Two died, one survived.

    As I got better at Petunia husbandry,
    I met Maureen, two kids arrived and
    we moved to our current house
    where the soil was even harder
    but we had more of it:

    But after much sweat and toil,
    a garden emerged that had
    lots and lots of Petunias:

    Our garden is now well established
    thanks to our tank water and grey
    water irrigation system:

    Maureen and I went shopping
    today. Guess what we bought:

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