howards record on detainees is shameful

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    China interrogated detainees
    By Tom Allard and Joseph Kerr
    June 15, 2005

    Almost 50 Chinese people held in Australian immigration detention centres were put in isolation for up to 2½ weeks last month and interrogated by officials of the Chinese Government.

    Refugee advocates say it raises disturbing questions about the Federal Government's complicity with China and whether its actions have endangered the detainees and their families.

    Some of the detainees interviewed were political dissidents and members of Falun Gong in the middle of asylum claims, the advocates said. Others were preparing appeals.

    The extraordinary lockdown of Chinese detainees began on May 16 at Villawood detention centre, where about 20 were put into the isolation wing - unable to contact lawyers or supporters or accept visitors.

    One Falun Gong member, who has an asylum claim pending, said four Chinese officials identified themselves as "middlemen" and asked questions about his life in China and Australia. "They asked me if you are a Falun Gong practitioner [and] do you know who the head of your local security bureau was," he said in a letter smuggled out of Villawood.

    The detainees said they were interviewed separately.

    The Chinese officials interviewed at least another 25 detainees in Baxter and Port Augusta detention centres in South Australia.

    A spokesman for the Immigration Department said last night that none of those interviewed had asylum claims pending and they were merely being assessed so they could be provided with passports.

    Some of the detainees, he said, had restarted their claims since being interviewed.

    Pamela Curr, the campaign co-ordinator for the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre, said the department's statement did not match what Chinese detainees at Baxter had said.

    "Basically, the Chinese officials were given carte blanche to interview anyone who was Chinese," she said.

    "That included those who were seeking asylum from the Chinese Government. It's unbelievable that the Australian Government allowed their potential persecutors to interrogate them and get their details, including those of their families and children."

    Dissidents say that punishing family members back in China is a standard technique used by the Chinese Government to put pressure on them.

    A lawyer who represents refugees, David Manne, said: "It appears there has been a flagrant undermining of basic principles of protection, especially if they [the detainees] hadn't exhausted their right to appeal."

    Last week it emerged that Australian officials repeatedly discouraged a Chinese diplomat, Chen Yonglin, from defecting, even though he claimed to have valuable intelligence.

    The Minister for Foreign Affairs, Alexander Downer, told Parliament yesterday that he had spoken to the Chinese ambassador, Fu Ying, about the matter before Mr Chen went public, but that she had initiated the talks.

    "At no time did I nor any [Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade] official improperly convey information about Mr Chen's intentions [to the Chinese]," Mr Downer said.

    The Immigration Minister, Amanda Vanstone, defended her department's handling of the case. She confirmed that immigration officials had contacted the Chinese consulate the day Mr Chen attempted to defect. However, she said Mr Chen had voluntarily provided telephone numbers, and at no point did he say he was seeking Australia's protection.

    Mr Chen, who is in hiding, says this is untrue.

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