huge allegations re. truths of asylum seekers

  1. 8,527 Posts.
    Explosive allegations and revelations outlines on today's Pickering blog, claims having been put forward by employees of detention centres; if proven true, scandalous earth shattering revelations about a serious disease outbreak now rampant, sexual harrassment of female travel transfer escort staff,and huge and reckless wastage of taxpayers' monies - above all the major claim telling us that 80% of Asylum seekers are actually Afghan Army deserters, having been coached, allegedly by their interpreters,to claim falsely that they're "poor farmers".

    (and meanwhile, honest Afghan Army interpreters, back in Afghan, will be left for dead once our troops pull out - the Taliban will target them, honorable people. with a vengeance -but those interpreters here allegedly lying to us!) Pulling the wool over our easily fooled eyes?

    Some of these single men now being dispersed, via luxury airliner transfer, into the community, no employment.

    Huge criticisms of the managing company contracted to the Government - in charge of these people and centres. Massive graft and w rampant wasteage alleged.

    Forget the "they will make nice neighbour" mewlings from the do-gooder hank-wringing brigades - if proven true, with regard to these new allegations and claims, this is a national con of massive proportions, a disgrace, with very dangerous implications for our own population.

    Gillard and Carr must answer these claims - immediately.
    And for once, cut out her nasty sneering directed at anyone who dares question her - her standard diversionary non-answers - and Carr his obfuscations.

    What is WRONG with Australians - are they this dumb and naive - that they don't KNOW any of this?

    Is it the old "an Aussie will eat cold soup in a restaurant rather than "case a fuss" and complain syndrome? (I know plenty of Aussies who won't - complain!) Is this what our armed forces fought for - for us - seemingly a bunch of dopey, easily duped weaklings? The "she's a woman so she must be "good" brigade?

    Our own lives so soft then - our kids so spoilt and living in such dream worlds they're unable to see awful realities across the world - have we have lost all sense of truth and perspective? Have NO guts to demand our rights to be told actual truths by those who purport to care about us - and "lead" us?
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