huge comex position rumor, page-10

  1. 9,485 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    Oh dear , article states rumour of a non institutional buyer .

    So to manipulate the physical he or she must then have absolute bundles of cash to manipulate the futures .

    Begs the question if anyone has enough money to manipulate anything for any length of time .
    Often quite the contrary as when someone reveals there hand the boys like to screw them to the wall hence the demise of Barings and many others that have tried to manipulate a free market .

    Note I believe it's been done in the commodities market in the old days . As it was called cornering or ?

    Once was a young fella on this forum who thought he'd make a killing by using oppies , good night Mickey Mouse when He lost the lot .

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