amazes me as every decade goes by in my life the same rush to...

  1. 2,978 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 69
    amazes me as every decade goes by in my life the same rush to conclusion gang surface, new members join the gang every season of whatever is in flavour ......try this for example:

    "The Skeptical Environmentalist: Measuring the Real State of the World
    Bjørn Lomborg
    526pp, Cambridge, £17.95
    Bjørn Lomborg's The Skeptical Environmentalist caused an almighty stink when it was published in Denmark in 1998, and the English translation looks set to do the same over here. Lomborg's beef is with the litany of doom espoused by certain environmental activists. We've all heard the main points many times: natural resources are running out; the world's population is too big and growing at an alarming rate; rivers, lakes, oceans and the atmosphere are getting dirtier all the time. Forests are being destroyed, fish stocks are collapsing, 40,000 species a year are going extinct and the planet is warming disastrously. The world is falling apart, in other words, and it's all our fault."

    that was part of a review in Sept 2001

    what has changed about those issues? not much really, yet, who's banging the feel-bad gong about that stuff right now? no one!
    so same gang with new members with same old recycled bollox only this time of course the gang is so arrogant it can get away en masse of telling everyone we're so much bigger than anything the sun or universe can throw at us.....

    "it's all your fault"

    the planet is warming that's true and when i last visited my local beach the tide was at the same height low and high tides as it has been for last 20 years, islands in the pacific are still subject to geologic rises and falls in the sea beds, the globe is still subject to natural sunspot activity causing cycles of weather patterns, the earth is still expanding and contracting, flexing as it has for millions of years, the ozone layers still thins and thickens the way it has for millions of years, lichen and mosses still invade they way they have for millions of years, co2 waxes and wains, co2 benefits green house gases still benefits the starving masses, gmo's benefit starving masses (ask them!), people are still eating all the wrong foods and killing themselves from within en masse far worse than they ever have and shall continue to do so until the angst gang (probably you) swings into action once they get bored with the effort of the environment, as environmentalists got bored coming out of the 1970's, what was the soup du jour then, oh, yeah, my fave: uranium.....and now no ones really banging the uranium gong cos its pretty much in the no one cares basket and it's hard to fudge the truth of how safe it is when used correctly, but, hey, we can away with the climate thing (what's the recent name we're calling it? global warming, ah, catchy)

    the name global warming is now used because it's a truth, a truism, it's true that the planet is warming in a big fat so what level of warming, remember, the tide in 20 years hasnt changed yet global warming is an actual thing, like i might break into sweat if a get to the traffic lights as the orange alights and i see a traffic cop in the side mirror, it's not a wet the bed perspiration, it's a skin reaction, same thing, you know, the earth is on a natural cycle of warming, sun spot activity causing some hurricanes, parts of several oceans warmed up from magnetic/solar cycles, the earth is flexing, not wet the bed sweating a slight skin reaction in geologic terms in cyclical day the poles are going to flip, the moon is slowly moving away from earths orbit, the sun will consume the is not this day little hobbits
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