dissipating angst if i show you pictures of snow in Alice...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 69
    dissipating angst

    if i show you pictures of snow in Alice Springs does it process as though we have an ice age coming? not really
    does it process we have so much disruption that freak weather storms would occur as a result of man-made activity? not really
    does it show that we are see, in isolation, a weather activity and try having an educated guess at what that event means, oh, yeah, sure

    Snow in Alice Springs

    how about the Sahara Desert (prev fall was in the late 1970's coincidentally the last great wave of climate rage-ists) ?
    Snow in Sahara Desert

    Islands rise and fall as a natural geologic action link NCBI + link Dynamic atolls
    (extract: " ...we show that Jabat Island in the Marshall Islands, central Pacific,
    was created 5,000 years ago as sea level rose to 1.5m above its present level.
    Since that time, sea levels have fallen once more, leaving the island much higher
    relative to the current sea level.")

    most questions are in the "not really" bin simply because you cannot isolate data empirically and present it as so, without a complete planetary start-to-end sample and even then the data would not and could not pass the "significant data set" standard

    on geologic time basis we simply have not witnessed enough time and data with a start and end point, as an event, to state as so that we have proof of what is postulated and feared

    there's a botanist who cultivates Aussie plant species on the coast of Scotland.....does that prove that we have global warming to the extent alarmists think, no, its a data set in isolation, the coastal zone is at the close of the gulf stream and the warm waters heat that zone

    a couple of decades ago deforestation was all the rage, the argument mostly centered around how trees gave us the air to breath until enough do-gooder scientists pushed the data sets that the oceans offer more oxygen than all combined forests and so that angst dissipated

    if you have significant data sets, with a control study, then that's different, but, we dont and that alone allows pro-climatological vanguards to get away with jumbo non-sense science .......the mere inability to repeat in exact sequence actually aids the mumbo jumbo science, whereas, if you decided the earths activities, by scale, are completely uncontrollable by humans then you would be giving up any sense of control over science, over industry and over people .....and therein lay the truth of the whole game

    if you take a pill to get down your blood pressure and it works but you ignore the resulting damaged liver then did you just get the science of blood pressure control wrong? yes, absolutely, but, you were definitely right about the blood pressure as an issue, you may simply be wrong about cause and effect and relative size of the cause and the relative size of the effect

    of course this idea of controlling the science thus the sentiment thus industry is what makes the drama wax and wane itself,
    in two words; peak oil ......oh, that old nugget......another two words; shale drilling .......these hysterical things come and go
    smoking was very popular amongst doctors in the 1950's until we got significant empiric data sets showing cancers and emphysema's  

    there are plenty of empiric data sets for sun spots correlation to hurricane activity enough so we can apply causality to both lows and highs in the cycles, but, have you gone about the research of applying that same group of data sets to a single event as global warming?  is a big leap of faith (yay, religion!)

    my fave angst right now is, just before you got to this post you probably stuck something in your mouth you werent supposed to, everyday, people stick a processed food in their mouths that'll shorten there lives far quicker than fractions of degrees of global warming can .......and global warming is real, it's an actual thing and so is your everyday self disease-causing diet, one is actually caused by you directly the other not so much

    so you have to ask yourself, are we really capable of controlling the weather by controlling things that benefit industry? not really

    are we being side-tracked from the things that are having the greatest impact on us directly every day? oh yeah, absolutely

    if you need to get on a high horse, go on a whacko crusade, at least make it worth your while.....your life is it shortening due to climate change or is it shortening due to the stuff youre doing directly to yourself, directly to your child(ren)? probably!

    both groups: pro-climate v anti-climate are two branches of the same misdirected tree

    i first began to realise my mis-direction when watching a NASA scientist discussing data about how green house gases are re-interpreted to be something theyre not and something that they have always been and how those gases aid us, how they green the planet, how the planet was once mostly green across the polar regions and how easily the sub-streams of cold water could cause the next ice age*, so, az-ya-do, i started on the what's the other side saying, where's the proof, why did Micheal whats-his-handle leave Green Peace, why are these respected Noble Laureates banging on about climate change being a hoax, why is Elon Musks fave designer showing data sets that climate protagonists hate, so, az-ya-do, watched all the videos i could .....my result ......know one knows.....that's it......know one knows in isolation or in toto, you cannot say with any data set that the earth is doing anything different to what it has always done even though i know that idea falls onto the side of the do-nothing-coz-nothing-needs doing gang, there is no historic data that categorically offers empiric proof of  cycle we can base radical decisions on

    we could say the effort we are going to to green the deserts is a waste of energy as the planet will green itself anyways, great, all for it!

    * ice age shtick is history now, soup du jour is now global warming.....

    Hurricanes: quietest in 45 years

    easy to select data points to make a point, huh
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