Huge warning sign for Australian economy, page-17

  1. 35,389 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 198

    I've split part of your paragraph up to highlight some of the points that you have made:

    " Consumerism for the sake of it is why we’re in this position now."

    "All these liars saying we need inflation, most of them are AGW alarmists saying we need to cut back on consumption to save the planet!"

    "Higher spending on infrastructure?"

    "Concrete and steel are the worst carbon emitters."

    Cheque’s in the mail? Benefiting overseas producers."

    "Higher welfare payments? Paid for by weakening the economy by either raising taxes or borrowing."

    I basically agree with most of the original paragraph other than some aspects to Inflation. I could say a lot but I'll leave the points that I have separated to speak for themselves.

    However, I will say this. Blame goes back on both sides of Government, the LNP and ALP/Greens are both up to their eyeballs in creating this situation.

    For decades flooding Australia with immigrants to support a Property Ponzi Scheme and or Vote Harvesting instead of Building a Nation.

    Driving Industry out of business or overseas, Education Standards to the Tip, Energy Costs sky high, Food and Water Security totally ignored, Expanding every aspect of Social Security and Health Funding with a Pot of Gold at the End of the Rainbow mindset ...................... well the wheels had to fall off some where and at some time ..................................... and time catches up with everything.

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