I have received now 2 emails from the SSAA (Sporting Shooters...

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    I have received now 2 emails from the SSAA (Sporting Shooters Association of Australia regarding the forthcoming election.
    They advise anyone with an interest in firearms or hunting to make sure they put the Greens last at the ballot.
    The Greens are dedicated to the banning of firearms, hunting & fishing.
    If you have firearms & wish to keep them, or have an interest in the above sports, please vote wisely and make sure the Greens dont make any inroads.

    "A word from the SSAA National President

    In the lead-up to the Federal Election, we have gone to great lengths to inform our members on the benefits of voting below the line in the Senate, putting The Greens last to ensure your vote does not inadvertently fall to a party that is openly anti-civilian firearm ownership, anti-hunting and anti-fishing.

    Many members have taken the time to congratulate SSAA National on our message and have undertaken to spread the word - vote The Greens last.

    In the past week, The Greens leader Bob Brown has attempted to water down his party�s anti-fishing message and has cried that he won�t be �coerced by the gun-lobby�. Make no mistake, The Greens� policies and statements leading up to this election make it very clear that they despise the sporting shooter, the hunter and the angler. Their lock-up mentality of public lands and forests is naive at best and is a deliberate sabotage of our native flora and fauna at worst.

    So remember, in a few days time, if you love your sport and you love the outdoors, vote The Greens last.

    SSAA National President Bob Green"

    "Senate vote counting

    SSAA National released an E-alert last week encouraging you to Protect your sport - make your vote count. This E-alert outlined the importance of numbering all of the boxes below the line on your Senate Ballot Paper, ensuring you choose the order you would prefer representatives be elected into the Upper House. If you choose to number just one box above the line, you allow your chosen party to dictate the way your vote works. More >"

    "Party statements

    SSAA National has been in touch with the major parties running in the 2010 Federal Election to give members the information necessary to make an informed decision on Election Day. Parties were requested to submit a statement regarding their policies on recreational hunting and shooting. Party statements have been received from a number of parties.

    The Australian Democrats has outlined that they �believe the laws introduced in 1997 [or 1996 as is the correct date] have been effective in improving public safety�.

    The Australian Fishing and Lifestyle Party supports fishing, camping, four-wheel driving, hunting and shooting and advocates education over locking humans out of national parks.

    The Australian Labor Party stated that it �continues to support and encourage sporting activities throughout our community and recognises the legitimacy of the shooting sports from local clubs through to the elite level of international competition�.

    The Liberal Party of Australia stated that the Coalition fully supports the �legitimate use of firearms by sporting shooters and will ensure the needs and interests of sporting shooters have been well considered in the development of future firearms reforms�.

    Family First has outlined that it �believes Australia�s rich and extensive state parks, marine areas and forests should be open for families to enjoy�.

    The Nationals stated that �The Nationals consider that use by primary producers and for recreational sports shooting and hunting to be a legitimate, genuine and justified use of firearms.�

    The Shooters & Fishers Party outlined that it will �use its influence to work with the Government of the day, whether it be the Labor Party or the Liberal National Coalition, to achieve the best outcome for responsible law-abiding firearms [owners], hunters and fishers�.

    The Greens were contacted on numerous occasions to participate in SSAA National�s election coverage, but did not respond.

    For the interest of members, SSAA National has also included statements from several individuals running in the election, including Queensland MP for Kennedy Bob Katter."


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