Gee Pints ,I am sure this has been mentioned many times before ,...

  1. 7,048 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 311
    Gee Pints ,
    I am sure this has been mentioned many times before , but do you have any capability and thoughts of your own , or is your whole world centred on vaguely relevant spam.
    Does this video/article have anything to do with differentiation between hybrids , phev's , ices and hybrids , or is it just another of your standard little videos designed to be played at a right wing circle jerk.
    Could you give us an idea of some of the information contained in it?
    At the risk of blowing my own horn , note how the link I put up , was designed to flesh out an argument I was developing.
    Spamming people with links as you do is just impolite.
    But , of course , rational discussion is anathema to you , you are just aiming to hijack it.
    You would think I would have learnt my lesson ,
    Bye Pints
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