Hybrids Vs PHEVs vs All Electric, page-589

  1. 81,609 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75

    there's about half a million car fires PER YEAR in America - all petrol and diesel fires ------------ do you want a picture of them?

    I'd have far less concerns with an EV parked in the garage inside a house than an ICE car --------- the chances are far greater of having a fire in an ICE car when parked

    doesn't matter what kind of fire it is ------ you want outta there asap ------------ so, if you have no choice but to sleep with it ---- and ICE cars have a far greater chance of fire than EV ------------ then, go with EV --------------- not hard

    ''Meanwhile, EV FireSafe, an Australian company, studied global data on the reports of EV fires from 2010 to 2022, concluding that there was a 0.0012 per cent chance of a passenger EV catching fire, compared to 0.1 per cent for an ice vehicle, a far higher (but still tiny) level of risk — 80 times greater, in fact.Nov 20, 2023

    Are electric cars more likely to catch fire than petrol and diesel .''

    ref any google -
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