Hybrids Vs PHEVs vs All Electric, page-657

  1. 8,136 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 848
    Different countries have differing prices for everything - food, power prices, insurances, homes and car prices to name a few. Even in Australia, prices across states differ for lots of things - including energy prices, govt charges etc. Whilst we're not yet Yanks, as you say, there are a lot of influences from corporates that originate from America and even the govt has policies following Americas wishes.

    Agree, the article posted was not from Australia but it does highlight the fact that in some countries the gap between charging an EV and filling an ICE with fuel is closing - particularly with out of home fast or otherwise chargers - perhaps as Australia is a follower, there's some catching up to do? Then add in the fact that fuel prices not only fluctuate but also has a large variance depending on where bought within the country - can one assume ditto for energy charged by EV chargers??

    My existing vehicle uses much less than 12.5l/100km. Now, you can be a fan of EV's and are obviously not alone but not everyone is sold on the idea of neither its merits nor cherry picking on just simply claimed energy savings to justify a huge personal outlay to switch. Either way, individual car ownership cost can be detrimental to ones finances - irrespective of which type of vehicle one chooses. However, any purchase should be based on choice and based not just on subsidies or some claimed science and certainly not on mandates.

    If you enjoy your EV as much as I enjoy my 5 speed manual ICE then the transport world is in harmony even as it's costing a lot of money for both of us with bonuses given to many other happy beneficiaries but perhaps to the detriment of the environment. Drive safe. smile.png AIMO
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