So much for science. More like institutionalised corporate...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 8
    So much for science. More like institutionalised corporate co-opted pseudoscience!

    Both The Lancet and the New England Journal of Medicine have been caught red-handed publishing completely fabricated, fraudulent data in a study that claims hydroxychloroquine was dangerous.

    The data came from a fake company that's a front for fabricated data, run by a science fiction writer and an adult content person, none of whom have any experience in real science. The whole thing was made up!

    “..The lamestream media parroted the science fraud to protect Big Pharma profits while sacrificing the lives of hundreds of thousands who could have been saved..

    ..Surgisphere seems to have appeared out of nowhere, completely fabricating its entire database of “medical data”..

    ..”If you’re authoring a study and being paid by Big Pharma to destroy the reputation of a particular off-patent drug, and you discover there’s no data to support your desired opinion, don’t worry: There’s always a company willing to sell you fabricated data to support your fraudulent conclusions..

    .. Even more disturbingly, both The Lancet and the New England Journal of Medicine are more than happy to go along with the obvious fraud. After all, they’re largely funded by Big Pharma, and today’s so-called “science journals” are usually nothing more than paid infomercials for Big Pharma’s toxic drugs, almost always based on completely fabricated “evidence” that’s shrouded in the sciency-sounding language of credibility.

    That sums up modern medicine: Total fraud pretending to be credible science."

    >> Read the entire shocking story here.

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