Yeah baby you are so right..########A YOUNG man came to our...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 137
    Yeah baby you are so right..

    A YOUNG man came to our doorstep seeking our help and we killed him. That is what happened on Tony Abbott?s watch and Tony Abbott now needs to show some principle and sack Scott Morrison".

    THAT single quote from Greens MP Adam Bandt sums up the emotional flatulence and sanctimonious hypocrisy that has been spewing from the Establishment Left all week.

    If by “we”, Bandt meant the Greens and the rest of the opportunistic bleeding hearts who have been parading their compassion all week, then he would have been correct.


    Because if anyone is to blame for the death of 23-year-old asylum seeker Reza Berati during a violent riot at Manus Island it is those very people who persuaded Kevin Rudd to dismantle the Howard government’s hard-won border protection.

    And further, it was the toxic partnership of the Greens and Labor which turbocharged the people smuggling racket and lured asylum seekers like Berati with the promise of open borders.

    Yet Labor’s Senator Sue Lines had the hide to accuse Scott Morrison of having “Blood on his hands”.

    Greens leader Christine Milne even came close to accusing Immigration Minister Scott Morrison of “murder”.

    What a joke.

    Yes, Berati’s death was tragic. And if there are lessons to be learned about how to manage Manus Island, the government will need to heed them.

    But the glee with which the compassionistas are pouncing on this story is unseemly.

    What makes it even more infuriating is that this tragedy never should have happened. John Howard had emptied out the detention centres. There were just four boat people left in detention when Labor came to office. The boats had stopped. The deterrent was in place. No one left to riot. No asylum seekers dying at sea.

    Labor arrogantly dismantled it all with the result that more than 50,000 people bypassed our immigration system and more than 1200 people drowned trying to get here.

    Yet the bleeding hearts were silent on those deaths, which were every bit as tragic.

    The tragedies were the direct result of achieving their heart’s desire and few had the integrity or humility to admit they were wrong.

    When 200 asylum seekers drowned off Java in December 2001, what was Greens Senator Sarah Hanson Young’s response? “Tragedies happen. Accidents happen.”

    Imagine if Morrison said that about Manus Island?

    His competent, methodical way of dealing with every drama in his poisoned chalice of a portfolio enrages his opponents.

    Now the grownups are in charge not a single boat has arrived in Australia for 68 days and counting.

    Now we can see that it was the “humanitarian” policies of Labor and the Greens that were the sole cause of those 1200 deaths at sea, of detention centres bulging at the seams with unhappy people, including 1000 children.

    And the preening careless compassionistas still have the hide to lecture Morrison about “gulags” and bombard his office with abuse

    They have the hide to attack the people charged with cleaning up the humanitarian catastrophe they created – like our navy, and like Lieutenant General Angus Campbell, the Operation Sovereign Borders commander.

    Senator Stephen Conroy even had the gall to accuse General Campbell during a Senate estimates hearing yesterday of “a political cover-up”.

    How dare he.

    That’s how desperate the “humanitarian” Left is to derail the government’s efforts to stop the boats, because the consequences of their feel-good carelessness has been laid bare.

    Really, where were they when asylum seekers were drowning at the rate of one every two days during Labor’s six years in office?

    And where were the Destroy the Jointers and other noble defenders of the sanctity of prime ministerial office when Channel V was promoting the violent decapitation of an effigy of Abbott on stage during a music festival in Sydney at the weekend. Blood spewing out of the headless body – ho ho ho, what a lark, as Abbott haters took to Facebook with comment such as “beheading’s too good for that scumbag” and “shame it can’t happen in the flesh”.

    Where were the misogyny police when Abbott’s mother’s photo was posted on twitter last week with violent and unprintable comments?

    Or when his daughters were subjected to crude sexual insults?

    Collective moral amnesia is the only answer.
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